
Hi, my name is Jasvinder Seehra Chauhan, the proud owner of Single Spirit. I would like to welcome you to the vast services we provide. I am a fully trained and certified Psychotherapist and Occupational Therapist with over 10 years of experience. My expertise lies in both physical and mental health therapy.

Every individual will go through struggles in life where therapy can be very beneficial, let me be there for you to guide you through those tough times.

For more information please visit www.singlespirit.ca or subscribe to receive recent updates and you can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Motor Vehicle Accident Injury

Whiplash is a very common injury from motor vehicle accidents. If one is suffering from whiplash they should get a lot of rest, use ice/heat and make sure they see a physician. A cervical collar and prescription drugs may be issued, however the medication may have some unsettling side effects. Physical therapy can be very useful to ensure recovery. This may include range of motion exercises, massage, electrical stimulation, and other exercises depending on the severity of the injury.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What an OT does...

Occupational Therapists (OTs) perform assessments on thousands of people everyday who suffer from sports injuries, motor vehicle accidents, muscle and joint problems and so much more. An assessment involves the analysis of the client’s ability to perform self-care, homemaking and caregiving tasks. OT’s will assist in these duties while making recommendations of any therapeutic activities the client can perform.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Is stress getting to you...again

Does stress control your life at times? Here are a few great ways to manage your stress to live a happier stress-free life!...

Look around. See if there really is something you can change or
control in the situation

Set realistic goals for yourself. Reduce the number of events going on in your
life and you may reduce the circuit overload

Work off stresswith any physical activity (sports, gardening, etc...)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Stress Reducer Tip

When situations get overwhelming, try viewing it from a different perspective. Talk over your problem with somebody before it gets out of proportion. Often, talking to somebody else will help you see things from a different and less stressful perspective.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Boost your Self Esteem TODAY!

Things You Can Do Right Away to raise your Self-Esteem:
By: Jasvinder Seehra Chauhan

* Pay attention to your own needs and wants. Listen to what your body, your mind, and your heart are telling you. This is a great exercise for becoming more aware of your feelings and sensations. I would suggest you do activities slowly to get a real awareness. For example:eat slower to find out if you enjoy the food, bath slower to feel whatever sensations the water brings up on your skin, read slower to see how your passage in your book is making you feel, etc...(think of noticing all your senses: touch, smell, auditory, taste, sight)

* Plan fun activities for yourself: something you enjoy....even on your own

* Learn new things: Is there anything that you've wanted to join or learn that you didn't have the courage to do because you wanted someone else to do it with you---join it!!! See what happens.

* Do things that make use of your own special talents and abilities.

* Spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself. Avoid people who make you feel badly

* Watch out when allowing yourself to say or think negative thoughts about yourself.Replace these thoughts with something that is authentically positive about yourself

* Make affirmation lists for yourself:

-10 strengths you have

-10 things you admire about yourself

-10 accomplishments you've had

-10 things you can do to make yourself laugh

Visualization Exercise:

* Sit or lie down comfortably. Straighten your back and put your shoulders back resting on the chair/sofa to open up your rib-cage. Relax your shoulder muscles particularly. Relax your whole body, and empty your mind.

* Close your eyes except to read when needed.

* Take ten deep, slow breaths.Breathe deeply from the pit of your stomach and feel your lungs filling. Focus on your breathing. Feel it getting deeper and slower. Feel yourself relaxing and any tension drifting away.

* Relax your shoulders and neck again.

* Visualize yourself being happy,succeeding, winning, being loved, laughing, feeling good.

* Relax your forehead, your jaw,your mouth and your eyes.

* Allow yourself to feel a calmness enter your mind.

* Say (out load) an authentically positive statement or paragraph to yourself—one example is the one below—you can revise this and make it your own:

i am

I am good person.

I have integrity.

I do what is ethically right and good.

Whatever life puts before me willbe useful experience that will make me stronger, wiser, and more tolerant.

I am strong enough to understandand make allowances for other people's weaknesses, and their behaviour towards me. Other people's behaviour is about them, not me.

I focus on the joy of living my life and helping others where and when I can.

I am what I eat and drink, so I eat and drink good things.

I am what I watch and play and listen, so I watch and play and listen to good positive things.

I take exercise which I enjoy. I walk when I don't need to drive or take the bus or train.

I smile and laugh whenever I can -life is good - getting caught in the rain reminds me that it is good to be alive to feel it.

I forgive other people. Deep down everyone is a good person, just like me.

I am a compassionate and loving,caring person.

I am a good person.

I am.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Reinvigorating your life---The Way Out of Depression

Reinvigorating your life---The Way Out of Depression

By: Jasvinder Seehra Chauhan

During these winter months I’ve often heard of clients, friends and family complaining of feeling down in the dumps and sad. In fact, I must confess a complaint or two myself. Despite the occasional complaint we all manage to subside and go on with our lives. We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t go through the ups and downs in life. The downs, often come during difficult times, it could be something small like a cold or big like the death of a loved one. The smaller things we may manage quickly and the bigger things may take us longer. When it comes to depression a person doesn’t manage at all. The feeling of ‘down’ lingers much longer. Depression has been described as a numbness, emptiness, despair or even lack of feeling that you just can’t shake off. So, how do we get out of this? First you need to know what you’re dealing with.

9 signs of Depression to look out for:

1. Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness (depressed mood) – a overall feeling that life is hopeless
2. Lack of interest or pleasure in most or all things
3. Significant weight loss (5% of body weight in a month), or an increase in appetite everyday
4. Insomnia (trouble sleeping) or hypersomnia (oversleeping)
5. Psychomotor agitation or retardation - feelings of restlessness or sluggishness
6. Loss of energy or fatigue almost every day - even small tasks are exhausting
7. Feelings of worthlessness, or excessive inappropriate guilt
8. Diminished ability to think, focus, or concentrate
9. Thoughts of suicide-this occurs in severe cases-seek professional help immediately

A clinical depression is diagnosed when at least 5 of the 9 symptoms appear consistently over a two week period and affect function. One of the symptoms is either depressed mood or loss of interest.

5 things to do to find your way out of depression:

1. Alert Your Senses: Since depression is the lack of feeling then you need to find a way to re-ignite feelings or senses in your body. Start by thinking of all your senses (touch, taste, smell, sight, hear). Do something to alert each one. Some examples: listening to music you love, eating foods rich in flavour (even sour or bitter). Do an experiment of smelling various strong scents, or touching different types of textures (velvet to sandpaper).

2. Do What You Want To Do: Notice if there is anything you are holding back from. Perhaps something you want to say to someone or something you really want to do. Why aren’t you doing it? It is common in Depression to ‘hold back’ from asserting yourself in life. I hear this often in my practice. Stop fretting just do it!

3. Make a weekly plan: Think of activities you want to do for the week and do them.

4. Get Support: Talk to your friends and family when you aren’t able to support yourself

5. Get professional help: If you are unable to support yourself or connect with loved ones then find a psychologist, psychotherapist or counselor in your area.

Words of Hope: You are not alone. Many people suffer from depression daily. If you are unable to support yourself, know that there are many professionals out there with much experience who can help you find your way out. Where there’s help there’s always hope. Reinvigorate your life!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What Services Do We Provide?

We provide extensive Occupational Therapy services in Insurance, Community and Mental Health Work. Our Psychotherapy services cover Crisis & Stress Therapy, Conflict Management & Team Building and much more. Read up on our services now by scrolling down on our blog page or through our website at www.singlespirit.ca. Book an appointment today.


1. Assessment, Treatment & Consultation

Occupational Therapy

MVA/Insurance Work
- OT in-home assessments
- Attendant Care assessments
- Homemaking/Home Maintenance Benefit Ax
- Caregiving Benefit Ax

Community Work
- Cognitive Care: ABI, Head injuries, Neurological diseases
- Paedes: Sensory, Autism, fine and gross motor, etc.
- Physical care: Stroke, Heart Attack, Parkinsons, MS, ALS, Orthopaedic care (hip replacement, fractures, arthritis), etc.
- Geriatric care: Alzheimers, Dementia, Old Age Fragility

Mental Health
- Depression, Anxiety and related disorders, Bipolar, Hoarding & Organizational concerns, etc.
- Equipment prescriptions: ADP for wheelchairs walkers, scooters, quad canes, bathroom equipment, other home devices
- Link to funding sources and community agencies: completion of paperwork for Government forms and funding for equipment or disability, link to community social organizations in Toronto and GTA.

2. Crisis and Stress Therapy

- Individual
- Couples
- Families
- Workshops

3. Conflict Management and Team Building

- Corporate counselling for Businesses and organizations (any size organization)

Jasvinder Seehra Chauhan

Meet the Therapists

Jasvinder Seehra Chauhan BSc. (O.T.), O.T. Reg. (Ont.)
Lead Occupational Therapist
Gestalt Psychotherapist

Since 1997, Jasvinder Seehra Chauhan has been pursuing her lifework as a therapist. Her expertise has been proven successful from community care for people with disabilities, work in the auto industry, women who are having difficulities with being single, couples in distress to families with problems. She is formally trained as an Occupational Therapist and Gestalt Psychotherapist. Her practicing philosophy is:

"One who consistently grows and heals through life's adversity first hand, is also one who is best to guide others."

Personally, she is from a large family that consists of many women, so she understands the issues women face firsthand. She has also endured some challenges during her 'single' years and therefore can relate to the type of issues single women face in today's society. As well, Jasvinder has years of practicing with the Community care Access Centre of Peel in schools.

She firmly believes that any person can be or achieve anything in life with some support from another, such as, a therapist. Jasvinder thrives on helping individuals find their passion, empowerment, inspiration and enthusiasm for life through private sessions and unique group programs.